Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas with My Side Of The Family

On Dec. 19th Saturday we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family because we were going to PA for Christmas. We had dinner with Grampy, Grammy, Auntie Kelly and Uncle Mark. Then we got to open presents. We made out pretty good. Thank God they came to our house. Grammy and Ryan starting to open gifts.
Oo what's that? Clothes. Sometimes when Ryan opens clothes, he just throws them. Why? I guess to make them fun.

Grampy wearing Elmo shirt.

Scrappy opening his present.

Ryan helping Mama open her present.

Uncle Mark, Auntie Kelly and Ryan opening more gifts.

Talking Live Elmo Ryan got from Auntie Kelly and Uncle Mark

Yet, Another Christmas Party

On Saturday Dec. 19th we went to another Christmas party. The last one for the year. Our friends Mary, Corey, PJ, Jocelyn and Nick were there. They had food, music and a lady who did balloon animals. Ryan had to watch the lady set up because he knew what she was doing. He has gotten a balloon animal before at the mall and loves them. He especially loves to pop them. I always tell him, "do not pop it until we get into the car". He does wait. We were not at the party too long because Ryan it was nap time. Ryan got a blue dog with a white lease.
Air walking the dog.

Need more cookies.

Mommy And Me Christmas Party

We went to Mommy and Me Christmas Party on Dec. 18th Friday. Ryan took a nap on the way other and wasn't in the best of moods when we got there. He did adjust and was fine.
It looks like he is saying "Oh my head".

I'm not wearing the hat. I will eat a cookie though.

Ryan and Griffin playing.

Ryan and Griffin eating cookies and playing footies.

Ryan and Mama at circle time doing the ichy bitsy spider.

Our House

Our House
Ryan wanted a Frosty The Snowman for our house.

The Taunton Green

Every year our town has a big light attraction in the center of it, call the Taunton Green. It is a big around about or rotary around it. Every time we drive by it Ryan will watch it from inside the car. We took him there to run around. Oh did he run! He had fun, seeing the giant Santa, looking at the lights, checking out the decorations, but his favorite part was patting the statue of the Manger animals.
Now, Ryan didn't like the angel I had at the top of our Christmas Tree. He protested, it had to be a star. So, he was at my parents house and was making ordainment's for the Christmas tree, well, he made a star for our tree. It kind of actually looks like a star too. He told Jeff to take down the angel and put out his star and we did.

Ryan checking out the giant Santa Claus.

He would not stand still for a picture. All he wanted to do is RUN! So, I had to try to catch him. This one he looks like he is giving the thumbs up. AAAAA!


He did stop for one minute to put his face through the penguin face.

Ryan petting the donkey.

Our new and improved tree topper. Ryan's star.

Christmas Party at Grampy's Lodge

We went to a Christmas Party on Dec. 13th Sunday at Ryan's Grampy's Lodge. One of many Christmas parties Ryan went to. He was happy, he ate pizza, lettuce and a candy cane. He got to see Santa but didn't want to sit on his lap, but got a gift still. We also got to see Ryan Great Grandmother and Great Aunt Lori. He got gifts from them also. Play-doh, clothes, mittens and a Teddy Bear. (I did get a picture of Ryan with Santa at the mall. Ryan didn't sit on Santa's lap, but I sat next to Santa and Ryan sat on my lap and I was out of the picture. Ryan was smile. That made us both happy. He got to tell Santa he wanted a train for Christmas.) Ryan before the Christmas party.
At the Christmas party looking tired and playing with play-doh.

Ryan checking out what gift if his.

Mama and Ryan waiting for Ryan's name to be called by Santa.

Ryan getting his gift from Santa.

Ryan opening his gift.

It is a cash register. Cool. Like at the store.

Our Christmas Tree

Sorry for the delay of blog updates.. we have been very busy
We got our Christmas tree on Dec. 12th Saturday. Jeff went out and brought it home. Ryan wanted to decorate it right away, but we told him he had to wait for it to settle. I said after dinner we could decorate it.
So, Ryan took a nap and got up and still wanted to decorate the tree. We said he still had to wait. He did wait. Sure enough after dinner we decorated the Christmas tree and he helped.
Ryan and Dad watering the Christmas Tree.
Ryan watering the tree.

Finally, after dinner. Ryan placing ordainment's on the tree.

Standing back and admiring the tree.

Our Little People Manger.

Our tree.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Ryan sings all Christmas Carols. He's favorite is Frosty The Snow Man.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reindeer ankles

We made homemade reindeer ankles.

Breakfast with Santa

On Saturday Dec. 5th with went to Breakfast with Santa. Ryan eat pancakes and didn't want to sit on Santa's lap but did want to get a candy cane from Santa. Ryan seems to really like candy canes.
"I don't know" this santa.. is Ryan's new phrase.

Okay, he gave me a candy cane, I guess he is alright.

Now, can I eat my candy cane?

Ryan eating a candy cane.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snow of the Season

One of the gifts we got Ryan for Christmas was a new pair of boots. He boots from last year were too small. Since it snowed on Sunday we decided to let him open a really early Christmas present. He liked opening an early Christmas present but he LOVED the snow! We got him a little snow shovel to help Dad shovel snow. As soon as he got outside he got right to work. Then wanted to sit and make snow balls instead. Ryan opening his first Christmas present of the season.
Did you get me another dog? There is a dog in this box.

Oohh, new boots.
The great thing about this age is, we tried these boots on him at the store a day earlier and I could still wrap them for a Christmas gift without any comments or questions. :)

Getting to work with new snow boots on and shovel. Scrappy took off with his mittens and tried to eat them. That's why they are not on it is picture.

Taking a rest from working and making snow balls.

Throwing snow balls.

Scrappy and Ryan making snow balls. What Team Work!