Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Party at Grampy's Lodge

We went to a Christmas Party on Dec. 13th Sunday at Ryan's Grampy's Lodge. One of many Christmas parties Ryan went to. He was happy, he ate pizza, lettuce and a candy cane. He got to see Santa but didn't want to sit on his lap, but got a gift still. We also got to see Ryan Great Grandmother and Great Aunt Lori. He got gifts from them also. Play-doh, clothes, mittens and a Teddy Bear. (I did get a picture of Ryan with Santa at the mall. Ryan didn't sit on Santa's lap, but I sat next to Santa and Ryan sat on my lap and I was out of the picture. Ryan was smile. That made us both happy. He got to tell Santa he wanted a train for Christmas.) Ryan before the Christmas party.
At the Christmas party looking tired and playing with play-doh.

Ryan checking out what gift if his.

Mama and Ryan waiting for Ryan's name to be called by Santa.

Ryan getting his gift from Santa.

Ryan opening his gift.

It is a cash register. Cool. Like at the store.

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