Thursday, December 3, 2009

Play Date

Today we had a play date at our house. It went well. It was 65 degrees outside (Yes, it is Dec.) so the boys played outside for a little bit. Laura came over with her two boys Griffin and Flex (who is 4 months old). And Laurie came over with her son Jonathan. Ryan and Scrappy both were having fun with the boys. Scrappy was getting a little too excited and made Griffin cry by pushing him over. But Scrappy and Griffin got used to each over. Jonathan who is a little taller then Ryan and Griffin was loving Scrappy's kisses.
After playing in the sand box for a while, we all came in except Scraps for lunch, toys and Sesame Street. Everyone played nice together. We had mac and cheese with vegetables for lunch. The mac and cheese was a hit, not so much the vegetables. That's okay, it is a play date. After lunch and Sesame Street. We listened to some "wheels on the bus" and kid songs while playing with toys. The boys started getting tired. So, we called it a day and Ryan went up for a nap. After our friends had left, he was quiet for a another 30 minutes then didn't sleep. We went outside, it was still warm and took a walk with our tricycle, might be the last time this year. It is suppose to snow on Saturday. Finally at 4pm Ryan went down for a nap. I'll take it! Ryan watching Sesame Street while Griffin and playing with his toys. Ryan was pretty good with sharing today.
Laurie holding Flex while Jonathan eats a cookie cutter cookie Ryan and I made a couple of days ago.

Ryan eat only the sprinkles off the cookies. Here he is looking a little guilty, because he had take about five cookies but only eat the sprinkles off of them.

Ryan, Griffin looking at the camera (a rare thing for them both to do at the same time).

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