Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snow of the Season

One of the gifts we got Ryan for Christmas was a new pair of boots. He boots from last year were too small. Since it snowed on Sunday we decided to let him open a really early Christmas present. He liked opening an early Christmas present but he LOVED the snow! We got him a little snow shovel to help Dad shovel snow. As soon as he got outside he got right to work. Then wanted to sit and make snow balls instead. Ryan opening his first Christmas present of the season.
Did you get me another dog? There is a dog in this box.

Oohh, new boots.
The great thing about this age is, we tried these boots on him at the store a day earlier and I could still wrap them for a Christmas gift without any comments or questions. :)

Getting to work with new snow boots on and shovel. Scrappy took off with his mittens and tried to eat them. That's why they are not on it is picture.

Taking a rest from working and making snow balls.

Throwing snow balls.

Scrappy and Ryan making snow balls. What Team Work!

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