Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day weekend

We begin our weekend with some sidewalk chalk. Every time we go outside now, we have to bring the sidewalk chalk. We were outside at 8am this morning using sidewalk chalk.
Secondly, we had to make some house calls. Ryan got a doctor's kit for Christmas, but wasn't old enough to use it then. Well, I took it out of the closet. Now, he has to check everyone mouth with his flashlight and chest with his stereoscope.
Thirdly, we went to our cousin Samantha's graduation from college. It rained off and on that night, so there was a lot of playing in the puddles.
Lastly, we went to Ryan's first parade. He seemed to like it. He dance in his stroller when the marching band went by, clapped when everyone else did, ate a blue raspberry slushy and waved a little flag he got.
lines, lines, circle, circle
Calling Dr. Martin

Look I glow in the dark with my glow in the dark necklace around my waist.

Samantha and Ryan

Splash, Splash!

All Wet

Nice Wet hair
This tastes good

Dad your not getting this back now

YAY Clap Clap

Wave Wave
Taunton Green

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Baseball Team Should I Choose?

Which Baseball Team Should I Choose?

Grandpop's team?
Auntie Kelly's team?

Or Grampy's team?

A Busy Day!

I know I entered the last two posts backwards. Sorry, for the mix up. This post is for Saturday May 16th.

A Busy Day!
(not sure why this is underlined)
Look at what I got!
Okay, what do I do now?

I'll help you Dad put the sand in.


This is fun!

Now, I can down to business.

Some sand piles here, some over there.

At the park for the picnic. I'm not eating vegatable at a picnic mom.

Ryan called them "ducks"

Here ducks, here ducks

Ryan says "wow" all the time now. Wow, that ball flew!


Grampy, you hold this.
Chase and Ryan playing ball. I like this ball it's bigger than mine.

How can we get into trouble?

That is a pretty cool tool bench. I'll have to ask for one for my birthday.

21 Months Old

Ryan turned 21 months on Sunday May 17. He has come a long way for 1 year 9 months.
He was saying "CHEESE"!
At 21 months Ryan can do the following:
  • walk up and down stairs by himself
  • kick a ball
  • bathe himself
  • feed himself with a fork and spoon(when he feels like it)
  • can wash and dry his own hands
  • build a tower of at least six blocks (hasn't play with his blocks much lately, may be able to do more)
  • point to all body parts when asked
  • identify pictures in a book
  • brush his own teeth
  • name colors, shapes and counts to 20
  • plays with other kids a little
  • can drink from a cup
  • says more words everyday

Ryan's interests:

  • coloring
  • singing
  • dancing
  • music
  • TV
  • Sesame Street especially Big Bird
  • all fruits
  • sorting
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Baby Einstein
  • his sandbox
  • being outside
  • water
  • his blue blanket

Ryan's dislikes:

  • meat (just lately)
  • vegetables (just lately)
  • coming in from outside
  • getting his nails cut

For everything, this is what I can think of right now. There is so much more

Monday, May 11, 2009

Run, Run, Run

We love to watch Ryan run!

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day, we went to Peaceful Meadows in Whitman, MA. We saw cows and had ice cream. It was a great day for all of us. After, Ryan and Scrappy helped Dad with some raking. "MOO"
This is very cold. I'll poke at it.

This is a big strawberry ice cream. Do I want to eat it or let it melt on me?

This is some good stuff.

Scrappy you pick up these sticks and I'll rake them into a pile.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Party Weekend

Ryan had a busy weekend with parties. On Saturday, we went to our friend Jarrett's birthday party. He had a Spider-man Bounce House. At first, Ryan was nervous to go into the Bounce House by himself. But once he got in there. He didn't want to come out. He also got to hit a Pinata by himself too. On Sunday we went to a cousins First Communion/Baptism. One cousin made her First Communion and her little brother was Baptised in the same weekend. So, their parities were together. They didn't have a Bounce House there but plenty of cupcakes and cookies. Dad and Ryan checking out the Bounce House.
Ryan in the Bounce House

Yes, Mama had to go into the Bounce House with Ryan at first.

Ryan says "HOP, HOP, HOP"

Ryan hitting the Pinata.

Ryan and Dad. Where are we going now?

Ryan bouncing with some older girls.

All dressed up for our cousins First Communion/Baptism

Mama and Ryan ready to go to our cousin's house.

Grammy and Ryan.

This cupcake is quite good. I have to get the recipe.

Ryan and cousin Connor.

Mama, Ryan, and cousins: Kristin holding Connor and Lisa holding Roselyn

It's a bird, It's a plain..NO It's Super Ryan!