Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Party Weekend

Ryan had a busy weekend with parties. On Saturday, we went to our friend Jarrett's birthday party. He had a Spider-man Bounce House. At first, Ryan was nervous to go into the Bounce House by himself. But once he got in there. He didn't want to come out. He also got to hit a Pinata by himself too. On Sunday we went to a cousins First Communion/Baptism. One cousin made her First Communion and her little brother was Baptised in the same weekend. So, their parities were together. They didn't have a Bounce House there but plenty of cupcakes and cookies. Dad and Ryan checking out the Bounce House.
Ryan in the Bounce House

Yes, Mama had to go into the Bounce House with Ryan at first.

Ryan says "HOP, HOP, HOP"

Ryan hitting the Pinata.

Ryan and Dad. Where are we going now?

Ryan bouncing with some older girls.

All dressed up for our cousins First Communion/Baptism

Mama and Ryan ready to go to our cousin's house.

Grammy and Ryan.

This cupcake is quite good. I have to get the recipe.

Ryan and cousin Connor.

Mama, Ryan, and cousins: Kristin holding Connor and Lisa holding Roselyn

It's a bird, It's a plain..NO It's Super Ryan!


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