Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 Months Old

Ryan turned 21 months on Sunday May 17. He has come a long way for 1 year 9 months.
He was saying "CHEESE"!
At 21 months Ryan can do the following:
  • walk up and down stairs by himself
  • kick a ball
  • bathe himself
  • feed himself with a fork and spoon(when he feels like it)
  • can wash and dry his own hands
  • build a tower of at least six blocks (hasn't play with his blocks much lately, may be able to do more)
  • point to all body parts when asked
  • identify pictures in a book
  • brush his own teeth
  • name colors, shapes and counts to 20
  • plays with other kids a little
  • can drink from a cup
  • says more words everyday

Ryan's interests:

  • coloring
  • singing
  • dancing
  • music
  • TV
  • Sesame Street especially Big Bird
  • all fruits
  • sorting
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Baby Einstein
  • his sandbox
  • being outside
  • water
  • his blue blanket

Ryan's dislikes:

  • meat (just lately)
  • vegetables (just lately)
  • coming in from outside
  • getting his nails cut

For everything, this is what I can think of right now. There is so much more

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