Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hallowen Party

We went to a birthday/Halloween party on Sunday for our friend Sydney who turned ten. We had a good time. Ryan played really nice with this boy Alex who is three. He also eat a lot! Too Much, on the car ride home, he vomited all over himself in his car seat. But as soon as we got home he felt much better and was running all over the yard. It's it great to be a kid
Ryan wearing his Happy Halloween Old Navy 2009 Tee-shirt with the Jack-O-Lantern on it.
Waiting to go to the party.

We couldn't wear the costume in the car because of the T-Rex tail. So, we put it on at the party. Then we couldn't wear the gloves because we had to eat.


Ryan was shortly finished with the T-Rex hat. So, he walked around the rest of the party, a headless T-Rex.

I love the tail.

Ryan put the head back on for a little bit because the girls at the party wanted to see him in it. This is Ryan and Alex playing nicely.

I bought Ryan a couple of dress up costumes at the dollar store. Girls have tons of Princess dress up things, why can't boys have dress up things too. Ryan likes to play dress up. I got him a pirate costume and a firefighters hat.


On Saturday we craved our pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern. Ryan helped. He let me cut with a knife and he dug the seeds out. Then he had to admire our work. Mama and Ryan pulling the insides out of the pumpkin.
Mama and Ryan getting seeds everywhere. Luckily Scrappy was outside, otherwise he would be eating them all of the floor. If he wouldn't get sick from it, I would be all for it.

Ryan got bored with digging out the seeds and since Dad put the TV on, he left me to finish the job.

Our Finished Product

Ryan admiring his handy work.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ryan and the Lady Bugs

One day last week it was about 70 degrees. We must have a nest of Lady Bugs near our house. We had (it seemed like) a million Lady Bugs. Ryan was loving it! He was chasing them and picking them up everywhere. He would pick them off the house, his clothes and mine. Then throw (some alive still and some didn't make it) outside the fence. Why, I don't know, but he had fun doing it. Ryan picking the Lady Bug off of the house.
Lady Bug stuck on his hand.

Funny Lady Bug. Squish! Scrappy looks like he is looking for Lady Bugs too in the back ground.

Look! It's in my hand

Going to throw it out of the fence.

Little Lady Bug tickles

Lady Bug


Carmel Apple

Ryan's first Carmel apple. I made Carmel apples with my third graders at school. I had left over Carmel and apples. I had one and I made Ryan one too. He didn't eat much of the Carmel more of just the apple part. It was funny watching him eat it. Why is the apple on a stick and what is this stuff on it?
AHHHH! I can't bite it


Happy Halloween!

Ryan is a T-Rex for Halloween this year. ROAR!

Providence Children's Museum

We went to the Providence Children's Museum in RI on a very rainy Sunday Oct. 18th. It was our first time there. All three of us really enjoyed it. We went we our neighbors Dawn, Tod and Lilly. Lilly is three weeks older then Ryan. After our adventures at the museum, we went to the Providence Place Mall and Ryan and Lilly ran around. We had lunch at Dave and Buster's. We didn't play any games that day because Ryan was tired. But Ryan did have a huge plate of french fries (he didn't finish). He didn't want anything else on the menu. Toddlers some days they eat and others just french fries. They had fish tanks with little Catfish in it. Ryan likes Catfish and recognized them right away.
A giant Bright Lite

Lilly and Ryan at the giant Bright Lite

On the ship

Checking out himself in the mirror in the old time room

Shopping in the old time grocery store. "Pineapple"

Old time telephone

Ryan and Lilly in the cave.

Sliding down

hiding out

Look at all these trucks!

Ryan on the construction site.
A working man

Putting on an apron for the water room. Which didn't stay on him and he got wet anyways. Luckily, Dawn had been there with Lilly before and warned me about bring an extra pair of clothes.

Ryan in the water room.

Splashing with Dad.

This is my favorite part

Balls and water what more can a boy want

Look at all this water!
Watering can

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Picking

We went pumpkin picking on Sunday Oct. 11th. To Ward's Berry Farm in Sharon, MA. It was a busy day. We started the day off playing some guitar with Dad. Then we had to do some work in the yard before we went pumpkin picking. Finally, we got to the farm, the first thing Ryan wanted to see was the 4H animals. That was his favorite part of the day. We got to feed goats and sheep. And we saw cows, ducks and rabbits. They have a playground there too. Ryan had to try the High up slide. He wasn't scared ( I was). He walked right up those stairs and slide right down. Then did it again. He got to play in the hay piles, touch some corn, then go on a hay ride to get to the pumpkins. When we got to the pumpkins, Ryan kept saying the pumpkins were "too big". Jeff pulled out a little green pumpkin, Ryan's size. Ryan said that is the one he wanted. He did help us find a big orange pumpkin for the family to crave (which we haven't done yet). When we got home, after a nap (which was very much needed) Ryan painted his green pumpkin blue and purple (which are his two favorite colors). The next morning I drew a jack -o-lantern face on it. Playing guitar with Dad.
Singing and playing


then throwing the dirt everywhere.

Feeding the goats. That tickles!

Nice petting
Feeding the sheep.

Hi Sheep

Climbing the latter to the big slide

High up

Coming down

Playing in the hay piles

Touching the corn stalks. We don't have any of this in Taunton.

Mama and Ryan on the hay ride to go to the pumpkin patch.

A squashed pumpkin
At the pumpkin patch like Snoopy.

This one is nice but too big for me. I like my little green one.
Helping brush off the dirt.

This is how you do it Dad

Got my pumpkin

Painting my pumpkin
The finishing touch
The Martin Family's pumpkins for 2009