Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Providence Children's Museum

We went to the Providence Children's Museum in RI on a very rainy Sunday Oct. 18th. It was our first time there. All three of us really enjoyed it. We went we our neighbors Dawn, Tod and Lilly. Lilly is three weeks older then Ryan. After our adventures at the museum, we went to the Providence Place Mall and Ryan and Lilly ran around. We had lunch at Dave and Buster's. We didn't play any games that day because Ryan was tired. But Ryan did have a huge plate of french fries (he didn't finish). He didn't want anything else on the menu. Toddlers some days they eat and others just french fries. They had fish tanks with little Catfish in it. Ryan likes Catfish and recognized them right away.
A giant Bright Lite

Lilly and Ryan at the giant Bright Lite

On the ship

Checking out himself in the mirror in the old time room

Shopping in the old time grocery store. "Pineapple"

Old time telephone

Ryan and Lilly in the cave.

Sliding down

hiding out

Look at all these trucks!

Ryan on the construction site.
A working man

Putting on an apron for the water room. Which didn't stay on him and he got wet anyways. Luckily, Dawn had been there with Lilly before and warned me about bring an extra pair of clothes.

Ryan in the water room.

Splashing with Dad.

This is my favorite part

Balls and water what more can a boy want

Look at all this water!
Watering can

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