Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Big Boy Bed

A couple weekends ago (sorry so late on the update). We set Ryan up in his Big Boy Bed. His crib, conversed into a day bed. At first we I told Ryan about a Big Boy Bed, he didn't want to have one. But when I said we are just changing your crib into a Big Boy Bed, he got all excited. Ryan had to test it out as soon as Jeff told the crib front off. Then he had to help drill in the screws with his 'Handy Manny' drill he got for his birthday. He really enjoyed sleeping in it. Two nights into the new bed, he did fall out. All I heard was a thump on the floor, he whined a little and fell back to sleep as I was putting him back into bed. Today, he was playing in his room and felt like taking a nap, laid down and fell asleep. I think I like the Big Boy Bed too, haha. Testing out the Big Boy Bed
I'll drill those screws in for you Dad

I guess you can help too Dad

Pajamas on and pretending to sleep
Now I'm ready for bed. I have my blanket and my thumb. Good Night!

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