Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine's Day Party

On Friday Feb. 19th we went to a Valentine's Day Party at Mommy and Me. Ryan wore his Heart Breaker shirt to show off how handsome he is. We had fun with our friends. Ate too many tookies. (cookies).
Ryan did eat something other than cookies. Here he is running off with a carrot.

Here is the cookie. I'm the only one saying cheese in this picture.

Circle time with Cheryl and baby Gabby. Circle time is when we sing our songs such as "Wheels On The Bus and Old McDonald".

Ryan and Griffin hanging out eating pretzel goldfish.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Kid Sport

On Thursday we went with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix to Kid Sport in Stoughton, MA. Kid Sport is an indoor activity/play area for kids. They have bowling, a bounce house, cars, big bounce slides and little slides all indoors. There was snack bar and places to eat. They also had an obstacle course but the boys are not big enough for that yet. Ryan and Griffin had tons of fun. Except when we first got there (Ryan tried to up a little slide and split his lip wide open, the littlest cuts have the most blood, but in five minutes even though it was still bleeding he wanted to go back and play, the bleeding stopped after a few minutes) and when we left (Griffin didn't want to leave, typical 2 1/2 year old, he was so upset he gave himself a nose bleed). It was a fun but bloody day, well they are boys. I guess this is only the begin. Ryan bowling
Griffin and Ryan bowling. They really liked it, we might take them to a real bowling alley someday.

The bounce house. Ryan didn't want to get out. He spent most of time in the bounce house.

All he kept on saying was "BOUNCE" "BOUNCE".

Laying down on the job.

taking a break. We had to stop and take a snack break. Ryan got a lemonade and pretzel.

Right back to the bounce house.

The boys share well for there age. Griffin pushes Ryan in the Cozy Coupe.

Then Ryan pushes Griffin. What team work.

This is Ryan and Griffin going up the ladder for the bounce slide. First Ryan didn't want to do it. But then saw Griffin go down the slide and wanted to try. He loved it. He kept saying "do it again?".

Ryan coming off the big bounce slide.
Ryan coming down the big bounce slide. Weeeee!

The boys ended the day with some seesawing. It was really cute.

Up and down

riding a giraffe (I think it is a giraffe).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two And A Half Year

Ryan is two and a half year old today. We went to the doctors today and he did well. The doctor said he is knows more then normal 2 1/2 do. He didn't have to have any shots but got the second H1N1 mist, required for his age group. He was behaved except when he wanted me to read a book and the nurse and I wanted him to lay down to be measured. We did finally get him to lay down. I told him I wouldn't read the book until he lied down, it worked. The best part of the doctors visit was Ryan got a orange lollipop and a new book when he left.

Ryan at 30 months is exactly 30 pounds and 35 1/2 inches tall, with a head size of 49 1/2 cm.

Things Ryan does at 2 1/2 years old

  • sleeps from either 9 to 11 hours a night

  • naps from either 30 minutes to 3 hours

  • can put shirt on with help

  • can climb in and out of booster seat and clip it himself

  • can put on sunglasses and hats.

  • wants to do everything himself

  • says "why"

  • plays t-ball

  • can sing any song he hears with the words

  • can count to 20 by himself without help

  • knows all colors, shapes and letters

  • can take clothes off when he feels like it including his zipper pj's

  • uses a regular cup without spilling

  • went pee on the potty two days ago

  • has night terrors (which is when he screams or cry in his sleep)

  • has all of his baby teeth

  • can ask questions and use complete sentences

  • string beads together without help

  • can brush teeth, wash and dry hands without help

  • has memorized some of his books

  • knows his age and whole name as well as my and Jeff's real names

  • can draw circles and faces

  • plays with other kids

  • plays make-believe

  • can identify pictures

  • knows all his body parts

  • jumps and runs

  • balance on one foot for 2 seconds

  • can describe the use of objects

  • uses adjectives

  • tries to negotiates

Ryan's likes

  • playing toys such as animals, dinosaurs, Handy Manny tools, and blocks

  • helping with making food, laundry and dishes

  • TV shows like Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, My friends Tigger and Pooh and Handy Manny

  • all fruits and vegetables

  • water

  • pretending

  • playing outside and with Scrappy

Ryan's dislikes

  • going to bed

  • eating meat

  • trying new foods

  • not being able to get his way

  • time outs

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ryan has been able to do this for a couple of months now. He'll be trying out for the pros soon.

Ice Skating

A day when it was above 30 degrees and wasn't snowing or raining. I let Ryan play outside for a little bit. He and I both needed to be out. He opened up his sand box or should I say ice skating ring. It was one sheet of ice. So, Ryan like any kid would do, try to ice skate on it. He says "I'm ice skating, its slippery". He did that until the ice broke and then he was all sandy. He enjoyed it that is what matters the most.

Beaded Necklace

We have been working on fine motor skills. Ryan made this beaded necklace all by himself. I didn't help at all. He put the beads on the string.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ryan wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dad's Birthday

For Dad's birthday we made a cake. It was Ryan's idea. It was a round cake like a donut with purple frosting/icing and sprinkles. Ryan loves to bake. We bake something every week. We don't always eat what we bake but have fun making it. We have to make our cake at the dinning room table because our fuzzy friend likes to get involved.
Ryan cracks the eggs. No shells.
Stir in the ingredients.


Later on, after it was baked and cooled. We frosted and put the most important part on The Sprinkles.

Ryan picked out the candle also.
Happy Birthday Dad!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Boston Children's Museum

We went to the Boston Children's Museum on Jan. 23rd. Sorry for the delay, I had a hard time uploading the pictures. We went as a family. We had never been to the Boston Museum before and we had passes from the Library so, it didn't cost too much. Ryan seem to really enjoy it there. They have a water room, sand room, bubble room, dance room, truck room, a play house room and tunnels to crawl through. And much more. We will have to go again with our friends. We you first walk in there is a bubble room. We started there. Ryan was all wet right off the bat. He didn't mind, there was so much to see and do. I did bring a change of clothes. We changed him before we left to go home because I knew he would get messier after the bubble room.
Big Bubbles

They have hoops you can make bubbles with.

And necklaces to make bubbles too.

A future baseball player.

Ryan playing a little chess with the over sized chess pieces. Check Mate!

A tunnel my size to crawl through.

Driving a back hoe.

They have little store you may visit. We went to a grocery store and pretended to purchase some oranges.

Ryan helping this little girl ring up his groceries.

The train room. Choo Choo!

They also had places to crawl around. This was a little pretend pond where Ryan took all the ducks and put them in the pond with him.

Banana for dinner anyone?

pee-a-boo out the window inside play house.

Running around. Hi Mr. Panda Bear!

The dancing room. When you jumped or dance on a square it lit up.

I love this picture.

The Sand Room.
We had to revisit the sand and water rooms before we left for the day.

The water room again. Splash!