Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two And A Half Year

Ryan is two and a half year old today. We went to the doctors today and he did well. The doctor said he is knows more then normal 2 1/2 do. He didn't have to have any shots but got the second H1N1 mist, required for his age group. He was behaved except when he wanted me to read a book and the nurse and I wanted him to lay down to be measured. We did finally get him to lay down. I told him I wouldn't read the book until he lied down, it worked. The best part of the doctors visit was Ryan got a orange lollipop and a new book when he left.

Ryan at 30 months is exactly 30 pounds and 35 1/2 inches tall, with a head size of 49 1/2 cm.

Things Ryan does at 2 1/2 years old

  • sleeps from either 9 to 11 hours a night

  • naps from either 30 minutes to 3 hours

  • can put shirt on with help

  • can climb in and out of booster seat and clip it himself

  • can put on sunglasses and hats.

  • wants to do everything himself

  • says "why"

  • plays t-ball

  • can sing any song he hears with the words

  • can count to 20 by himself without help

  • knows all colors, shapes and letters

  • can take clothes off when he feels like it including his zipper pj's

  • uses a regular cup without spilling

  • went pee on the potty two days ago

  • has night terrors (which is when he screams or cry in his sleep)

  • has all of his baby teeth

  • can ask questions and use complete sentences

  • string beads together without help

  • can brush teeth, wash and dry hands without help

  • has memorized some of his books

  • knows his age and whole name as well as my and Jeff's real names

  • can draw circles and faces

  • plays with other kids

  • plays make-believe

  • can identify pictures

  • knows all his body parts

  • jumps and runs

  • balance on one foot for 2 seconds

  • can describe the use of objects

  • uses adjectives

  • tries to negotiates

Ryan's likes

  • playing toys such as animals, dinosaurs, Handy Manny tools, and blocks

  • helping with making food, laundry and dishes

  • TV shows like Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, My friends Tigger and Pooh and Handy Manny

  • all fruits and vegetables

  • water

  • pretending

  • playing outside and with Scrappy

Ryan's dislikes

  • going to bed

  • eating meat

  • trying new foods

  • not being able to get his way

  • time outs

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