Monday, February 22, 2010

Kid Sport

On Thursday we went with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix to Kid Sport in Stoughton, MA. Kid Sport is an indoor activity/play area for kids. They have bowling, a bounce house, cars, big bounce slides and little slides all indoors. There was snack bar and places to eat. They also had an obstacle course but the boys are not big enough for that yet. Ryan and Griffin had tons of fun. Except when we first got there (Ryan tried to up a little slide and split his lip wide open, the littlest cuts have the most blood, but in five minutes even though it was still bleeding he wanted to go back and play, the bleeding stopped after a few minutes) and when we left (Griffin didn't want to leave, typical 2 1/2 year old, he was so upset he gave himself a nose bleed). It was a fun but bloody day, well they are boys. I guess this is only the begin. Ryan bowling
Griffin and Ryan bowling. They really liked it, we might take them to a real bowling alley someday.

The bounce house. Ryan didn't want to get out. He spent most of time in the bounce house.

All he kept on saying was "BOUNCE" "BOUNCE".

Laying down on the job.

taking a break. We had to stop and take a snack break. Ryan got a lemonade and pretzel.

Right back to the bounce house.

The boys share well for there age. Griffin pushes Ryan in the Cozy Coupe.

Then Ryan pushes Griffin. What team work.

This is Ryan and Griffin going up the ladder for the bounce slide. First Ryan didn't want to do it. But then saw Griffin go down the slide and wanted to try. He loved it. He kept saying "do it again?".

Ryan coming off the big bounce slide.
Ryan coming down the big bounce slide. Weeeee!

The boys ended the day with some seesawing. It was really cute.

Up and down

riding a giraffe (I think it is a giraffe).

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