Monday, February 1, 2010

Boston Children's Museum

We went to the Boston Children's Museum on Jan. 23rd. Sorry for the delay, I had a hard time uploading the pictures. We went as a family. We had never been to the Boston Museum before and we had passes from the Library so, it didn't cost too much. Ryan seem to really enjoy it there. They have a water room, sand room, bubble room, dance room, truck room, a play house room and tunnels to crawl through. And much more. We will have to go again with our friends. We you first walk in there is a bubble room. We started there. Ryan was all wet right off the bat. He didn't mind, there was so much to see and do. I did bring a change of clothes. We changed him before we left to go home because I knew he would get messier after the bubble room.
Big Bubbles

They have hoops you can make bubbles with.

And necklaces to make bubbles too.

A future baseball player.

Ryan playing a little chess with the over sized chess pieces. Check Mate!

A tunnel my size to crawl through.

Driving a back hoe.

They have little store you may visit. We went to a grocery store and pretended to purchase some oranges.

Ryan helping this little girl ring up his groceries.

The train room. Choo Choo!

They also had places to crawl around. This was a little pretend pond where Ryan took all the ducks and put them in the pond with him.

Banana for dinner anyone?

pee-a-boo out the window inside play house.

Running around. Hi Mr. Panda Bear!

The dancing room. When you jumped or dance on a square it lit up.

I love this picture.

The Sand Room.
We had to revisit the sand and water rooms before we left for the day.

The water room again. Splash!

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