Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Bubble Wrap Dance

Thank you to Grams for sending Easter gifts and of course bubble wrap.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wally the Green Monster

We went to the Taunton Public Library with Auntie Kelly to see Wally the Green Monster the mascot for the Boston Red Sox. Ryan has books with Wally in them, so he knows who Wally is. My sister is a big fan of the Boston Red Sox and is trying to make Ryan one. I think he liked meeting Wally. I was happy he wasn't scared of him because Wally is little in the books and was huge in real life. Auntie Kelly and Ryan waiting patiently for Wally to come.
Ryan getting Wally's autograph.

Ryan giving Wally five.

Ryan said "put me down". I said "He always says that to me too".

Monday, March 22, 2010

You Should See The Other Guy

Above Ryan's right eye he has a cut. It doesn't look as bad in this picture but when he did it, it looked back. This picture was taking two days after he fell. On Tuesday night he was tired and was coming in at my parents house on their deck when he missed the step and fell on his head. At first he wouldn't let me near him. But I have this thing I do with him, I count to 20 with an ice pack or towel on his head (or lip or whatever that is hurt). It seems to work. It was funny on St. Patrick's Day, he had this cut over his eye and he was wearing his Handsome Irish Boy shirt. He looked like he just stepped out of a bar fight in South Boston. So, I had to take a picture.

Boston Children's Museum

We went back to the Boston Children's Museum on March 11th with our friends. Laura, Griffin, Felix, Laurie and Jonathan. The boys had a ball. We didn't even get to do everything it was so much to do. The bubble room was visited first. The boys got wet right off the bat. From left to right: Ryan, Jonathan, Laurie in the back and Griffin.
Big Bubbles

We went up stairs and the museum had a new exhibit from when we were there in Jan. A Curious George room. Ryan likes (not loves, but likes) Curious George. He has watched the show a few times and reads the books.
Hugs for George.

They had a slide in the Curious George room.

And golfing. FOUR!

Next we went to the construction room. Ryan pretends to be a construction worker.

Going through tunnels

I was impressed. He walked a balance beem all by himself a few times.

Ryan and Griffin work hard to move that dirt.

Now a little jack hammering

Next to the water room. To get wet again. I always bring a change of clothes and told his friends mom's too.

Ryan painting with water on the wall. I wish I could paint on walls at home.

Off to the sand room. One big sand box. Ryan was making tracks in the sand. He likes checking animals tracks.

One of the last rooms. the dance room. You can dance around on the lights on the floor to the music or play games.

Lastly, we visited the ball room. You can't go wrong with boys and balls.

The New England Aquarium

We went to the New England Aquarium with Ryan on March 7th. Sorry for the delay we have been busy. We went as a family, just the three of us. Ryan had not been since last winter. He was so much more interested this year than last. I think his favorite parts were the sharks and penguins. The same as last year. There were these penguins called "rockhopper" they look just like a macaroni penguins but smaller. We just called them macaroni penguins anyways. Ryan must have had fun because he is still talking about weeks later. First we had to see the penguins.
Mama, I can't look at the camera. I'll watching penguins.

Look More

Ryan liked this part too. The star fish.

More star fish

Ryan got to pick up and hold a star fish. He loved it. He is such a boy. He is always picking up beetles and insects. Thank God for Jeff telling and picking them up with him. They gross me out.

Hugs for the statue of a penguin

Looking down at some sharks and turtles.
Ryan says the turtle is slow.

You can kind of see the turtle under this light on the right.

Once more we had to see the penguins. I guess I didn't get a picture of the rockhopper penguins. sorry

Lastly, before we left for the day. We saw the jelly fish. They Ryan was so tired, he had a mini meltdown before we left. He fell asleep on the way home. We promised him a strawberry milkshake on the way home. When we got home he woke up and wanted his strawberry milkshake from Burger King. Jeff had to go back out and get it to avoid the drama.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Day of Spring

On the First Day Of Spring, Saturday. I went to get a massage(a birthday gift from Jeff and Ryan from Dec.). While I was there. Ryan and Jeff went to Home Depot, after running around the yard for a few hours (it was 70 degrees out). Then Ryan was running around Home Depot. Jeff tells me Ryan would not leave the flower department. So, the only way Jeff got Ryan out of Home Depot was to buy a couple of flowers to plant. The wasn't too frozen here, the flowers might make it. Ryan dug a hole with some help from Dad, filled the dirt in, patted it down and of course the best part watering it. Ryan used his own watering can to watered his flowers. filling in the dirt for the first flower
digging a hole for the second flower. Ryan wanted to put the whole pot in the ground.

patted down the dirt

throwing some more dirt on

more dirt

And of course the best part..Watering

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost Spring

It is almost and we have been outside. Ryan loves to run, run and run. We play hide and seek, tag and in the wet sand box.
Also, we went to a friends birthday party on March 6th and here is Ryan all dressed up for it. Ryan climbing a tree his size.

All fancy for his friends birthday party.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A Handsome Irish Boy

Scraps the Leprechaun

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who Needs A Car

Ryan likes stickers and when he gets them he puts them on his belly. Well, here is a bumper sticker. Who needs a car?


Here is Ryan and Scrappy being buddies on the coach watching Dinosaur Train (one of Ryan's new favorite TV shows on PBS. It is all about Dinosaurs and Ryan can identify many of them.).

It's Raining It's Pouring

Even though it is too cold for a rain coat still Ryan wanted to try on his rain gear. A Mickey Mouse rain coat and boots. Ryan can put the boots on by him self and on the right feet most of the time.