Monday, March 22, 2010

Boston Children's Museum

We went back to the Boston Children's Museum on March 11th with our friends. Laura, Griffin, Felix, Laurie and Jonathan. The boys had a ball. We didn't even get to do everything it was so much to do. The bubble room was visited first. The boys got wet right off the bat. From left to right: Ryan, Jonathan, Laurie in the back and Griffin.
Big Bubbles

We went up stairs and the museum had a new exhibit from when we were there in Jan. A Curious George room. Ryan likes (not loves, but likes) Curious George. He has watched the show a few times and reads the books.
Hugs for George.

They had a slide in the Curious George room.

And golfing. FOUR!

Next we went to the construction room. Ryan pretends to be a construction worker.

Going through tunnels

I was impressed. He walked a balance beem all by himself a few times.

Ryan and Griffin work hard to move that dirt.

Now a little jack hammering

Next to the water room. To get wet again. I always bring a change of clothes and told his friends mom's too.

Ryan painting with water on the wall. I wish I could paint on walls at home.

Off to the sand room. One big sand box. Ryan was making tracks in the sand. He likes checking animals tracks.

One of the last rooms. the dance room. You can dance around on the lights on the floor to the music or play games.

Lastly, we visited the ball room. You can't go wrong with boys and balls.

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