Monday, March 22, 2010

The New England Aquarium

We went to the New England Aquarium with Ryan on March 7th. Sorry for the delay we have been busy. We went as a family, just the three of us. Ryan had not been since last winter. He was so much more interested this year than last. I think his favorite parts were the sharks and penguins. The same as last year. There were these penguins called "rockhopper" they look just like a macaroni penguins but smaller. We just called them macaroni penguins anyways. Ryan must have had fun because he is still talking about weeks later. First we had to see the penguins.
Mama, I can't look at the camera. I'll watching penguins.

Look More

Ryan liked this part too. The star fish.

More star fish

Ryan got to pick up and hold a star fish. He loved it. He is such a boy. He is always picking up beetles and insects. Thank God for Jeff telling and picking them up with him. They gross me out.

Hugs for the statue of a penguin

Looking down at some sharks and turtles.
Ryan says the turtle is slow.

You can kind of see the turtle under this light on the right.

Once more we had to see the penguins. I guess I didn't get a picture of the rockhopper penguins. sorry

Lastly, before we left for the day. We saw the jelly fish. They Ryan was so tired, he had a mini meltdown before we left. He fell asleep on the way home. We promised him a strawberry milkshake on the way home. When we got home he woke up and wanted his strawberry milkshake from Burger King. Jeff had to go back out and get it to avoid the drama.

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