Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Day of Spring

On the First Day Of Spring, Saturday. I went to get a massage(a birthday gift from Jeff and Ryan from Dec.). While I was there. Ryan and Jeff went to Home Depot, after running around the yard for a few hours (it was 70 degrees out). Then Ryan was running around Home Depot. Jeff tells me Ryan would not leave the flower department. So, the only way Jeff got Ryan out of Home Depot was to buy a couple of flowers to plant. The wasn't too frozen here, the flowers might make it. Ryan dug a hole with some help from Dad, filled the dirt in, patted it down and of course the best part watering it. Ryan used his own watering can to watered his flowers. filling in the dirt for the first flower
digging a hole for the second flower. Ryan wanted to put the whole pot in the ground.

patted down the dirt

throwing some more dirt on

more dirt

And of course the best part..Watering

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