Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ryan can swim by himself (with a float). This was from our neighbor Lilly's third birthday party yesterday.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our Vacation - Cape Cod 2010

Last week we were on Cape Cod for the whole week. It was nice to have a whole weeks vacation, we had not had one since our honeymoon six years ago. We stayed at a family cottage in Dennisport. We went from Saturday July 10 through Saturday July 17. I love this picture. This was taking on Jeff's phone the last night we were at the beach, Friday. We had just come from going out to dinner.
Ryan hanging out in his pj's watching Mickey Mouse with Mickey toy next to him. We watch a lot of TV down there but we were on vacation.

Our first day at the beach, Sunday. We had nice weather almost the whole time we were there.
Ryan looks like he is going to jump right in.

When I ask him to say "cheese" sometimes, he doesn't look at me.

He did a lot of running on the beach.
We went to the beach about three or four times during the day and about three times at night.

Dad and Ryan swimming.

Ryan watching Dad swim.

More swimming. Ryan didn't want to ever leave the beach.
There was a ton of sea weed on the this beach (watch is located two blocks from the cottage, so we just walked there) Ryan was saying the sea weed was sea monsters or sea creatures. He was throwing them back into the ocean.

Having a snack outside. Scrappy was good for the most part. He only ran out of the yard twice.

The Wave Face. When ever a wave would come close Ryan would do the wave face (this face) to avoid getting water in his eyes nor mouth.

Ryan in a boat getting ready to go on the pedal boats with us.

Ryan and Mama ready for the pedal boats. I think this is the only picture I'm in during our vacation.

Ryan and Dad on the pedal boats. Ryan got really hot wearing the life jacket and wanted to go in. We were on the boat for about 45 minutes. When we turned around to go in we got a breeze and it made it a little bit better. We saw a sea otter, crabs, mussels and claims on our boat ride.

We also saw geese and ducks on our boat ride.

On Tuesday we also went to the Sundae School, which a ice cream restaurant. They have the best ice cream sundaes. I got an ice cream sundae and shared it with Ryan. Ryan and Jeff got ice cream cones.

At the restaurant there is a player piano. If you put a quarter in it, it plays by it self. Ryan is here pretending the play the piano.

On Wednesday, our friends were coming to stay with us for the rest of the week. Dave, Heather and Blake. Jeff's friends from PA.
Before they got there we went to the Kandy Korner store. Where they have an assortment of all types of candy and slushies. Ryan, Jeff and I all got some candy.
It was a sweet day.

Scrappy seem to enjoy vacation too. He got a lot of belly rubs, got to see new people and tons of food.

We went to the beach again with our friends. We made many sand castles on the beach.

Thursday night
We went back to the beach to play in the sand and try to fly Ryan's Elmo kite he got for Christmas from Grandpop. It didn't work too well, but Ryan didn't seem to care. Dad, I think had more fun with it then Ryan.

Blake and Ryan on the beach rocks, wet and sandy. Blake is five years old. For the most part the boys got a long well. By Saturday they were acting like brothers.

I wrote Ryan's name in the sand. He can't write his name yet, but tries to. He spells it out and pretends to write it. It is very cute.

I thought it was adorable that the boys had almost the exact same pj's.
Overall, we had a great week. Everyone seem to have a good time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Bubble Show

Today we went to a Bubble Show at our library. It was Free. This man did all sorts of art and science with bubble and explained how they came to be. The library was packed. Ryan was excellent! He sat away from me so he could see the show. He sat for about 45 minutes before he started moving around. At that time the show was almost over and he wasn't bothering anyone, just climbing under tables and didn't get hurt plus other children were doing it so it was okay for this time. Ryan favorite part if you ask him was when the man made a giant bubble and said it was a snake. He thought that was great. The Bubble Man
Ryan sat there just like this almost the WHOLE TIME. I was so proud of him. What a good boy.

When he get restless, he laid down for a bit but still enjoyed the show.

4th of July

On 4th of July, we didn't do much but grill out and we filled out Ryan little pool. Then he took a long nap. But he did have his Red, White and Blue shirt on in his tent with his sleeping bag and pillows.

During the rest of the weekend. We went to our friend Cheryl and Gabby's house to use their pool. Ryan didn't like it much, it was too cold.

Then we to the gym pool. Ryan loved it! Then have a small pool and a big pool. He did a little swimming with a float and with me. He kept getting out of the big pool and going in the little one, then back to the big one.

Camp In

I was riding down the street and saw a tent in someones backyard and thought to myself. "Ryan would love a tent. Wait a minute, we have a tent, from when Jeff and I went camping years ago". So, I dug it out of the crawl space in Ryan's room. Jeff set it up 4th of July weekend. It is still sitting in my dinning room. It didn't make it outside. Ryan does like it. He didn't want to come out of it at first and wanted to take naps and sleep in it at night. He tried to nap, but couldn't sleep. We all had to go into the tent, even Scrappy. We had to pretend we were camping out, we read books and had pillow fights in there. Hopefully it will come down before we go away to the Cape this weekend. We have had a lot of practice for when we go camping in the fall. (it is way too hot lately to go now, 90 degrees everyday).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Busy Party Weekend

When we came back from PA (visiting Grams). We had parties to go to on Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday we went to a graduation party for Jeff's friend's daughter, who was graduating high school. She had a bounce house there. Ryan was good at sharing the bounce house with the older kids, they were good with him too. Ryan didn't want to leave of course but he was tired from all the bouncing.

On Sunday we went to our friend Ayden's third birthday party. Ayden is our friend from Mommy and Me and is 6 weeks older then Ryan. There was tons with toys to play with and snacks. Ryan was making a list of the things he wants for his birthday party on Aug. 14th.
It was a busy and fun weekend. Ryan in the bounce house at the graduation party on Saturday.
Getting tired from bouncing.

This is Ryan at Ayden's third birthday party. Ayden is on the slide. It was a Mickey Mouse party. Both Ryan and Ayden were wearing Mickey swim trunks.

Ryan wasn't sure of the slip and slide. Plus, he just woke up from a nap in the car and was a little timid.

Okay, I'll try it by only by walking on it NOT sliding on my butt or belly.

Visiting Grams

We went to PA for a visit and unfortunately a funeral. Ryan was happy thou, he got to see Grams, Great Aunt Suzy and Great Uncle Marty, Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy, Uncle Brett, Dave, Heather and his buddy Blake. It was worth the trip. We didn't get pictures of everyone, but had fun all the same. We stayed at Grams house and while Jeff and I went to the funeral, Ryan went to visit Dave, Heather and Blake. Dave and Heather told me Ryan played very well with Blake(who is five) and was very polite. That makes me very happy, that he can behave when we are away with people besides family. Great, he is just about ready for preschool. We are still working on the potty training part. Ryan and Grams playing bubbles.
Ryan's favorite thing. Playing with the water hose.

Watering himself to grow like the plants.

A little more water. It was about 90 degrees when we were there.

Having a snack. Most likely apples or carrots with his milk. Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy bought him a big clown cupcake. He played with the clown pieces and had a little bit of icing and was done with it. Everyone was impressed on how healthy he eats. I told them he doesn't always eat this healthy.

Watching TV with Dad.

Grams and Ryan.

Ryan was very excited. Grams had a portable DVD player. So, he watch Scobby Doo, Mickey Mouse and Backyardagains on it. A TV his size.

Ryan and Uncle Brett. Ryan still in his Mickey Mouse pajamas.
Ryan and Uncle Brett wrestling.

Strawberry Picking

We went Strawberry Picking at Ward's Berry Farm in Sharon, MA on June 17th with our friends Laura, Griffin and Felix. We were there last year for blueberry picking and pumpkin picking. We are fond of this farm because of the picking, huge sand box, giant slide and of course the 4H animals. We picked and ate a ton of strawberries. Played hard and had to have a smoothie to cool us off. We will have to go back for blueberry picking in a few weeks. The first thing we do after finding our friends is go to the sand box.
Next we went on a hay ride with a tractor pulling it. Ryan and Griffin were both excited!

We got right down to business and started picking and eating strawberries. They were delicious!

"Can I eat this one Mama?" I told him, he couldn't eat the squishy ones.

Griffin and Ryan in the strawberry patch.

Ryan walking around the patch.

After all that picking we needed smoothies. Ryan got strawberry and I got vanilla. We shared with each other. I was surprised he wanted more strawberry.

Ryan on the tall slide.

Going again.

Ryan feeding the goats. He seems to like the goats.


The goats tickling Ryan's hands.

We had to the feed the little goat too.

Ryan and Griffin feeding the sheep.