Thursday, July 1, 2010

Visiting Grams

We went to PA for a visit and unfortunately a funeral. Ryan was happy thou, he got to see Grams, Great Aunt Suzy and Great Uncle Marty, Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy, Uncle Brett, Dave, Heather and his buddy Blake. It was worth the trip. We didn't get pictures of everyone, but had fun all the same. We stayed at Grams house and while Jeff and I went to the funeral, Ryan went to visit Dave, Heather and Blake. Dave and Heather told me Ryan played very well with Blake(who is five) and was very polite. That makes me very happy, that he can behave when we are away with people besides family. Great, he is just about ready for preschool. We are still working on the potty training part. Ryan and Grams playing bubbles.
Ryan's favorite thing. Playing with the water hose.

Watering himself to grow like the plants.

A little more water. It was about 90 degrees when we were there.

Having a snack. Most likely apples or carrots with his milk. Uncle Erik and Aunt Wendy bought him a big clown cupcake. He played with the clown pieces and had a little bit of icing and was done with it. Everyone was impressed on how healthy he eats. I told them he doesn't always eat this healthy.

Watching TV with Dad.

Grams and Ryan.

Ryan was very excited. Grams had a portable DVD player. So, he watch Scobby Doo, Mickey Mouse and Backyardagains on it. A TV his size.

Ryan and Uncle Brett. Ryan still in his Mickey Mouse pajamas.
Ryan and Uncle Brett wrestling.

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