Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Busy Party Weekend

When we came back from PA (visiting Grams). We had parties to go to on Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday we went to a graduation party for Jeff's friend's daughter, who was graduating high school. She had a bounce house there. Ryan was good at sharing the bounce house with the older kids, they were good with him too. Ryan didn't want to leave of course but he was tired from all the bouncing.

On Sunday we went to our friend Ayden's third birthday party. Ayden is our friend from Mommy and Me and is 6 weeks older then Ryan. There was tons with toys to play with and snacks. Ryan was making a list of the things he wants for his birthday party on Aug. 14th.
It was a busy and fun weekend. Ryan in the bounce house at the graduation party on Saturday.
Getting tired from bouncing.

This is Ryan at Ayden's third birthday party. Ayden is on the slide. It was a Mickey Mouse party. Both Ryan and Ayden were wearing Mickey swim trunks.

Ryan wasn't sure of the slip and slide. Plus, he just woke up from a nap in the car and was a little timid.

Okay, I'll try it by only by walking on it NOT sliding on my butt or belly.

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