Thursday, July 8, 2010

Camp In

I was riding down the street and saw a tent in someones backyard and thought to myself. "Ryan would love a tent. Wait a minute, we have a tent, from when Jeff and I went camping years ago". So, I dug it out of the crawl space in Ryan's room. Jeff set it up 4th of July weekend. It is still sitting in my dinning room. It didn't make it outside. Ryan does like it. He didn't want to come out of it at first and wanted to take naps and sleep in it at night. He tried to nap, but couldn't sleep. We all had to go into the tent, even Scrappy. We had to pretend we were camping out, we read books and had pillow fights in there. Hopefully it will come down before we go away to the Cape this weekend. We have had a lot of practice for when we go camping in the fall. (it is way too hot lately to go now, 90 degrees everyday).

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