Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Parties

We had three Christmas parties we went to this past weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Starting with the Mommy and Me Christmas Party on Friday. We went after Ryan got out of school on Friday. He was sharing his reindeer antlers with his friend Caleb for a little bit but then changed his mind and took them back. Caleb and Ryan play nice sometimes. In the picture they were playing nice but then after a little while Ryan was playing dinosaurs and roared at Caleb. Caleb pushed Ryan that is when Ryan cried because he was tired. But was okay after having a cookie or two.

Saturday, we went to a friends Christmas party. We brought cupcakes and Ryan had to have a green frosting one. It took two days to get the frosting off his face and hands. He was having a good time but then got tired (nap time is around 1pm)and didn't want to eat anything. So, he was tired and hungry then hurt his thumb (cut it). Then there came the crying. I guess he is just getting over a cold, he still has a little cough. We went home. He feel asleep on the way home.

Sunday was much better. Ryan was very well behaved. We went to a The Miquel Families Christmas Party. My mother's side of the family. It was at my cousin Melanie's house. Everyone had a good time. There was a dog and a cat there but they were too shy to play with the kids. Ryan ate chicken nuggets, tator tots, a lot of cookies, cupcakes and I think a candy cane. The best of all he got a gift. We do a Secret Santa gift swap. He was very excited about the gift, it was a car carries with hot wheels cars (the fast ones, as he likes to say). We left after the gifts because Ryan had school the next day (last day before his first school vacation). He fell asleep on the way home because he hadn't had a nap again. But woke up when we got home so we could open and play with his car carrier and hot wheels cars. We all had a good time, even Jeff.
Ryan and Caleb at Mommy and Me Christmas Party. Nice sharing, too bad it didn't last.
Saturday's Christmas Party. With a green face. It was a good cupcake.

Saturday. Ryan and Jonathan.

Sunday. Ryan being silly pretending he is a dog on the couch.

Mama and Ryan in front of our cousin Melanie fireplace.

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