Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Edaville USA

Edaville USA has a festival of lights and a train ride every year. Ryan was a little crabby when we got there because he didn't nap all day. Then we had some french fries and the lady that worked at the restaurant gave him a candy cane and he was all better. It was Ryan first time on a real train. He said it was like the Dinosaur Train but without the dinosaurs. They have train rides, merry-go-round rides, games and many many lights. Ryan played a Lucky Duck game and won a alligator. It was cold that night but we enjoyed ourselves. This is some of the lights.
Dad and Ryan on the train. Ryan eating a candy cane and being a good boy and covering his mouth while he coughed.

Someone took this for us on the train. I was having a hot chocolate.

Ryan pretended to be a jaguar with some lights behind him on the train.

Ryan on the train.

Ryan and Dad on the merry-go-round. Ryan was a little nervous.

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