Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mason Christmas Party

On Sunday, we went to the Mason Christmas Party at my fathers lodge. We had hot dogs, Ryan got to run around with his cousin Chase (Chase is two weeks older then Ryan) and see Santa. He asked Santa for a toy hamster that runs around. They are called Zhu Zhu Pets. We did buy him one. We went to a friends Christmas party the night before and he was playing with one there, now he wants one.
He did get a gift from Santa here. A guitar and Chase got one too. Ryan and mama. Eating some chips. He just woke up from a nap in the car.
Eating a hot dog and wearing face paint that he put on them self. He is also wearing his Rudolph shirt that says "you have a problem with my nose".

Ryan and Chase.

Ryan waiting patiently for Santa to call his name.

Ryan with Santa.

Getting a gift from Santa.

Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas!

Opening his gift from Santa.

Jamming out with his cousin.

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