Monday, April 27, 2009

A Hot Weekend In April

We started the weekend off, climbing on the table for what he wanted. I took his milk away from him because he was spitting it out and Scrappy was licking it up. Gross! It begin to get hot, so I changed Ryan into a short outfit. And we planned on going to get ice cream at Peaceful Meadows. Instead, Ryan was very tired. He took a four hour nap, which he hasn't done in ages. At 20 months, I'm shocked that he took such a long nap. We ended up just going to Friendly's around the corner for ice cream.

On Sunday, We played outside for a short bit and had friends over for a cook out. It was a record breaking temperature of 88 degrees. It was still hot at night. So, I gave Ryan another bath and some Popsicles to cool him off before bed. I should had given him the pops BEFORE the bath. Going for the milk

Oh, what else is up here on the table I can play with since I'm here.

First shorts of the season.

Hot outside

Scrappy going to find some shade.

Hey Gabby has Pooh Bear on her outfit. "think, think, think"

The second bath of the day to cool off.

Finish off the day double fisted with two Popsicles . "two pops".

Friday, April 24, 2009

Play Dates

We have had a few play dates within the last week and a half. Last Tuesday we went to the Children's Museum. We meet up with our friends Laura and Griffin. On Monday, we visited our friends Dao, Andrew and Cecilla at there house for lunch. Lastly, yesterday we went to Amy's house for brunch and meet up with more friends. We have been busy. Thank goodness spring is here. Ryan and Mama at the Children's Museum.
say excuse me

Ryan, Andrew and Cecilla watching TV. Waiting while lunch was being made.

Sharing flowers with Andrew.

Ryan, Sydney and Hannah

Ryan and Christopher chewing on straws.
All the kids that were at Amy's house. Yes, that is Ryan on the chair.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun With Yogurt

I was looking up something on the computer while Ryan was eating his yogurt yesterday. Two feet away from me. I turn around and ...."DUMP". He has never done THIS one before. I guess he wasn't that hungry for the yogurt. Without saying Ryan went straight into the bath from here. All I could smell was peach yogurt.

Enjoying his toys he got for Easter

All this week Ryan was enjoyed the toys he got for Easter. A Red Sox hat and bat. He says "SWING"
He is standing in his toy box. Sometimes he likes to take all his toys out of his toy box and sit in it.
Ryan and Scrappy play with some Violets Ryan picked. Ryan loves to pick the flowers in the yard.
Scaps sniff out some more flowers for me to pick.
This is Ryan toy train that moves and blows bubbles. Ryan says "BUBBLES".


And lastly the Play-Doh Animal Activities Bucket, with cookie (or play-doh) cutters of animals. He is giving hugs to a green duck.
Look I did it myself.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We spend Easter Weekend in PA. We got to see everyone. Ryan was great on the five hour ride down to PA. He only got cranky in the last five minutes. The Easter Bunny had gone to Grandpop's house and Grams's house too. On the way home, Ryan was good as well until half way through the ride. He started getting cranky, but he also has molars coming in. I gave him some Tylenol and he was fine. Here is Ryan with Grandpop. He had tons of fun with Grandpop and his dogs.
Ryan sharing M&M's with Grandpop. How Nice!

Ryan with Grandpop, Grandma Cindy and their dogs.

We stayed with our friends Dave, Heather and Blake while we were there. Here is Ryan and Blake jumping on Heather's bench.

Ryan and Blake share the bunny. They both did share most of the weekend.

"ELMO" That is what Ryan is saying as he opens Easter gifts with Grams.

Grams helping Ryan opening some toys.

Grams and Ryan.

Ryan saying "DUMP" as he dumps his Easter basket out.

Oh, that is what was in the basket.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Clean Up

Ryan is a great help cleaning up the yard. Okay I have my wheel barrel
I'll pat the leaves down by sitting on them and poking them with these sticks.
This is how you rake Dad.

Leaves go into the bag.
Gee Dad thanks for helping

Here Mom, I picked this flower for you.
Ryan walked around the yard smelling this flower.

Coloring Eggs and Easter at Our House

Ryan really liked coloring Easter eggs. He put the eggs in the bowls filled with egg color. Then he was splashing in the bowls. Needless to say a day later and washing his hands a million times, his fingers are still green. But you can ask him what color they are and he can tell you "green".

We celebrated Easter the Sunday before Easter because we will be in PA for Easter. The Easter Bunny came to our house early. The Easter Bunny wanted to get Ryan a tricycle, but when we were at Toys r' us, Ryan wasn't interested in the tricycle at all. Maybe it will be an early birthday gift for Ryan in May or June.

First, Ryan had to "dump" the Easter basket.

Then he had to play with the Sesame Street Ernie boat for the bath tub.

And finally read the Winnie the Pooh book.