Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We spend Easter Weekend in PA. We got to see everyone. Ryan was great on the five hour ride down to PA. He only got cranky in the last five minutes. The Easter Bunny had gone to Grandpop's house and Grams's house too. On the way home, Ryan was good as well until half way through the ride. He started getting cranky, but he also has molars coming in. I gave him some Tylenol and he was fine. Here is Ryan with Grandpop. He had tons of fun with Grandpop and his dogs.
Ryan sharing M&M's with Grandpop. How Nice!

Ryan with Grandpop, Grandma Cindy and their dogs.

We stayed with our friends Dave, Heather and Blake while we were there. Here is Ryan and Blake jumping on Heather's bench.

Ryan and Blake share the bunny. They both did share most of the weekend.

"ELMO" That is what Ryan is saying as he opens Easter gifts with Grams.

Grams helping Ryan opening some toys.

Grams and Ryan.

Ryan saying "DUMP" as he dumps his Easter basket out.

Oh, that is what was in the basket.

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