Sunday, April 5, 2009

Making a Bird feeder

Thanks to our friends Corey, Jocelyn and Nick we got the idea for making a bird feeder as well as the pine cones. Thank you. Ryan and I had tons of fun making a bird feeder. First we smeared the peanut butter on the pine cones. Which was Ryan's favorite part. Then round the pine cones in bird seed. Next time we do this, we are doing it OUTside. There was bird seed EVERYWHERE. Scrappy enjoyed cleaning it up. Ryan smearing peanut butter on the pine cone.
Ryan picking the peanut butter off the pine cone.

Ryan forgetting about the pine cone and just eating the peanut butter from the jar.

Ryan put some of the bird seed on the pine cone and a lot on the table and floor.

Our finished product. They lasted there for about a week. I'm not sure if any birds ate any but I saw squirrels eating some.

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