Sunday, April 5, 2009

Coloring Eggs and Easter at Our House

Ryan really liked coloring Easter eggs. He put the eggs in the bowls filled with egg color. Then he was splashing in the bowls. Needless to say a day later and washing his hands a million times, his fingers are still green. But you can ask him what color they are and he can tell you "green".

We celebrated Easter the Sunday before Easter because we will be in PA for Easter. The Easter Bunny came to our house early. The Easter Bunny wanted to get Ryan a tricycle, but when we were at Toys r' us, Ryan wasn't interested in the tricycle at all. Maybe it will be an early birthday gift for Ryan in May or June.

First, Ryan had to "dump" the Easter basket.

Then he had to play with the Sesame Street Ernie boat for the bath tub.

And finally read the Winnie the Pooh book.

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