Monday, April 27, 2009

A Hot Weekend In April

We started the weekend off, climbing on the table for what he wanted. I took his milk away from him because he was spitting it out and Scrappy was licking it up. Gross! It begin to get hot, so I changed Ryan into a short outfit. And we planned on going to get ice cream at Peaceful Meadows. Instead, Ryan was very tired. He took a four hour nap, which he hasn't done in ages. At 20 months, I'm shocked that he took such a long nap. We ended up just going to Friendly's around the corner for ice cream.

On Sunday, We played outside for a short bit and had friends over for a cook out. It was a record breaking temperature of 88 degrees. It was still hot at night. So, I gave Ryan another bath and some Popsicles to cool him off before bed. I should had given him the pops BEFORE the bath. Going for the milk

Oh, what else is up here on the table I can play with since I'm here.

First shorts of the season.

Hot outside

Scrappy going to find some shade.

Hey Gabby has Pooh Bear on her outfit. "think, think, think"

The second bath of the day to cool off.

Finish off the day double fisted with two Popsicles . "two pops".

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