Thursday, June 18, 2009

The library and more

On Saturday we went with our friends Jonathan, his mother Laurie and his grandmother Denise to a puppet show at the Taunton Library. Ryan actually sat and watched the puppet show. But when it was over and we went into the children's room of the library he was all over. Of course, there were kids books and toys to play with, that is good reason to run all over.
Saturday night Jeff and I went out to dinner for our five year anniversary. My mom came over to watch Ryan and Scrappy while we were gone.

On Sunday, it was Flag Day. We wore our red, white and blue to celebrate.

Lastly, yesterday Ryan and I visited my work(when I wasn't working). I work at an elementary school in Brockton. My teacher friend was bring her class to Dairy Queen ice cream for a mini field trap. It is only located around the corner from the school. We met up with the class at the school and we walked to DQ. After we ate the ice cream we ran off the calorie on the playground back at my school. He didn't want to leave but I had to bring him to my parents so, I could go back to work (to actually work). Jonathon and Ryan. Hey, what are you reading?
Let me climb over and read that with you.

Denise reading to the boys.

While Jeff and I were at dinner. Ryan was sitting on his Elmo chair getting a tan. He was "HOT"!
Scrappy was hot too.

Too hot for clothes. I'll just wear my fireman's hat.


Happy Flag Day!

"Big Ice Cream"

Jermaya, Ryan and Glenna (Miss Riley)

Back at the playground. Ryan climbing up to go down the slide

Ryan on the playground. I need a ball.

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